Tax Credits are back!
If you’ve replaced windows or doors in your home sometime between 2017-2019, you probably know that tax credits for those products have been eliminated during that time. Well, good news. The EPA has reinstated tax credits on windows and doors after a 3-year absence. They were actually put back in place at the beginning of 2020. Due to little fanfare from the EPA, many people were unaware of this change.
The high points of the tax credit availability are as follows:

- – Tax Credit Amount is equal to 10% of the cost of the windows/doors, with a max allowable tax credit of $500. However, the maximum you can deduct for windows $200.
- – The tax credit applies to the cost of the product only. It does not include installation.
- – Windows/doors must be ENERGY STAR certified for the zone in which they are installed.
- – This DOES NOT apply to just replacement windows/doors. Installing a new window where there wasn’t one previously (like in a home addition) qualifies.
- – You do not have to replace all of your windows/door to qualify
- – The tax credits have been made retro-active to purchases beginning Jan. 1, 2017.
- – The current program ends Dec. 31, 2020
- – See full details of the 2020 tax credit program, by clicking here, then scrolling down and clicking on Windows, Doors & Skylights.
If you replaced your windows with Quaker windows, first of all, we thank you very much. We also want to help you get your credit. You’ll need verification that the products you purchased are Energy Star certified, check out the official document for this HERE.